This post explains how we showed a rough draft of our music video, album cover, and social media page to some members of our target audience in order to receive helpful feedback. This blogpost is written by all of us (Chelsea, Kalista, Rara, and Audrey).
The purpose of a screen test is to gain audience feedback about our work and see if there are any improvements that can be made. We decided to use Google Forms to create a survey to share with our audience because of the platform’s availability to collaborate online and allow sharing to others which made it easy for production and distribution. This online platform utilisation is also quick so audiences are more encouraged to engage with our survey.
We divided our questions into sections in relation to different components of our product.
Here are our questions:
Section ‘Music Video’:
(Several short snippets from our music video are shown)
Do you relate to some of the elements in our product?
What message do you think we are trying to convey from our concept?
What is the most memorable scene from our music video to you?
Section ‘Digipak’:
(Images of our digipak cover and inspiration pictures are shown)
Which digipak are you attracted to the most? (1/2/3)
What is the most appealing feature from our digipak?
How likely would you purchase our digipak from its cover design? (On a scale from 1-5)
What do you want us to include in our digipak? (Lyric book/Artist personal story/Posters/Stickers/Other)
Section ‘Social Media’:
(An image of our star’s Instagram profile is shown)
Choose 3 words to describe our star “CINTA”
Do you prefer our social media to be professional or intimate? (All intimate/Mostly intimate/Mix of both/Mostly professional/All professional)
How would you like to communicate with the artist on social media? (Instagram live/Interactive Instagram stories & posts/Online meet & greet/Responsive towards comments/Responsive towards DMs/Reposting mentions/Other)
We chose these questions because these servers will lead us to knowing our target audiences better and if our concepts align with what they are expecting and engaging with. We included members of our target demographic in the screen test to ensure that the feedback we receive is appropriate. Finding people for the screen test was easy because we had lots of connections and people who were already anticipating and enthusiastic on our project. We specifically chose our audience to be non-media students in order for us to grasp more feedback from a wider perspective of consumers rather than other producers. We want to understand how our music video appeals to the actual target audience hence we tested it out to other seniors. We had incorporated feedback from previous media students (alumni) on our screen test.
Here are the drafts that we showed audiences for the screen test:
Google form link: (insert later)
Here are the results from the audience feedback:
Screenshots/copy and paste etc (just make sure that it is clear)
From the feedback we learned…..
We are going to change….
This screen test was a useful part of our process because….