
Wednesday, 15 November 2023

Location scout & risk assessment

Here are some pictures of potential locations for my magazine 

Reflection: This was actually one of those tasks I hate as I couldn't come up with any risks that were life threatening or hard to control as all variables that could cause an accident can be easily fixed by being careful. Which is why I repeated some points for different locations as its all in one location (my house) but just different parts of my house hence why its harder for me to figure out what could go really wrong. But even though this was a very boring task at least it helped my manage my time to make sure I have everything prepared beforehand. 

Location #1 

Location #2 

Location #3

Here is my risk assessment on my location scout 

My house (outdoor garden)

Purpose of the scene:

introduce the scenery (garden) to show how natural it is to the audience: showing a magical front cover 

Media Language:

mise en scene: flowy (blue) princess dress in order for the magazine to look magical, with warm/bright colored background 
medium shot: to show the models facial expression with direct mode of address but its enough to the point where you can see how beautiful the dress is 

Pros of Location: 

 - flexible as its my own house and I can use any props available as well as adjust any natural scenery 
- realistic, since i'm using a real outdoor background it will look more natural and cohesive 

Cons of Location

 - hard to control how bright or dark i want the light to be as it will be different in different times of the day 
- may not look very neat as not everything outdoor is as clean if it were to be done in a studio 


Potential Hazards

- My dog since she's not used to new people
- Equipment issues as the garden is not very spacious and it can cause casualties if one gets hit or dropped 
- Hanging plants in the outdoor garden 

Evaluate Risks

 - She can bark and go around the person she is not familiar with in this case its the model 
- Broken equipment can cause a delay and even cancel the entire shoot as there might not always be a backup on hand 
- If a tragedy happens due to unfavourable weather conditions (strong winds) it can cause the plant to fall and injure the model 

Control Measures

- Put my dog in another room in order for her to not disrupt the shoot  
- Make sure to handle all the equipment properly by having each checked and only used when its time to shoot and take pictures if not it will be properly placed somewhere else and regularly checked 
- check the weather before hand and check everything beforehand and see if it will still be used or needs to be removed 

Assign Responsibility and Timeframe

- Put my dog in a different room (28 jan)
Packing and keeping the camera safe (27 jan)
- Check wether forecasts on weather (27 jan)

Another garden near the outside gate (outdoor)

Purpose of the scene:

showcases the scenery of flowers of plants with the model to give it a natural look 

Media Language:

 mise en scene: simple blue dress with flowers to match with the soft theme in order for it to flow with the already chaotic background filled with flowers
medium shot: to show the face but as well as the body of the model in a professional look

Pros of Location: 

- natural setting gives a more realistic look and vibe 
- Has colorful aspects such as the flowers 
- Easier to manage everything around the garden as I can move it as much as I like 

Cons of Location

- Harder to control the lighting of the area if i want it to look brighter or warmer 
- Some parts look dirty on camera as its an outdoor setting and there will be dirt in some areas 


Potential Hazards

- Can be slippery from watering all the plants which can cause the model to fall
- Feel discomfort from insects that may be around the location 

Evaluate Risks

- Making sure to water the plants before or not after the shoot to stop the floor from getting wet 
- The model getting uncomfortable causing them to be in a mood due to discomfort of their surroundings 

Control Measures

- Making sure to water the plants before or not after the shoot to stop the floor from getting wet 
- Prepare a insect spray and not taking that long to shoot outside just incase it uncomfortable for the model 

Assign Responsibility and Timeframe

 - Packing and keeping the camera safe (27 jan)
- Making sure everything is clean and not slippery (28 jan)

My staircase (indoor)

Purpose of the scene:

mostly shows the model and introduce the clothes she's wearing as the main piece of the picture 

Media Language:

mise en scene: an iconic top piece which will mostly tie in the entire colour pallete for the whole magazine. I mostly envision a soft pastel piece in order to give my magazine a softer yet ethereal look
medium shot: to show the face but as well as the body of the model in order to show the direct mode of address and as well as the models body language so that it looks professional 

Pros of Location: 

- fully white background so its easier to control how bright I want the lighting to be 
- flexible as again its my house and I can adjust anything if something gets in the way 

Cons of Location

- not fully clean as the wall have some dark spots which makes it not that put together but thats a problem I could solve by editing it 
- does not look like a real studio even though it gives off an illusion that it was done in a studio because of the white background there are many things I cant control from how 


Potential Hazards

- Equipment issues if I drop the camera on accident and it rolled down the stairs causing it to break 
- The model can trip and fall on her dress if not careful which can cause an injury 

Evaluate Risks

- Broken equipment can cause a delay and even cancel the entire shoot as there might not always be a backup on hand 
- The model getting injured can also cause a delay and cancelation as there will be no replacement  

Control Measures

- Make sure to handle all the equipment properly by having each checked and only used when its time to shoot 
- Help the model every time she needs help coming down the stairs such as holding her dress 

Assign Responsibility and Timeframe

 - Packing and keeping the camera safe (27 jan)
-  Prepare insect repellent (27 jan)

Tuesday, 14 November 2023

Magazine development

Here is the development process of my magazine where I will compile and reflect on my ideas 

Reflection: Even though this took in my opinion one of the longest one to fully finish its because I have been debating on want I want included in my magazine as I need to consider everything thats going into the magazine itself. Going back and fourth on an idea, as I feel like it can be better also wasted a lot of time in this part of the project yet now I feel happy with the decisions I picked even though it took longer than it should. Now I learned what I like and dislike in a fuller picture not just from research but actually having it in mind already and leaving it be executed during the designing period. 

Genre: fashion & lifestyle 

Sub-genre: young adults/teen fashion & beauty

Name of magazine: 

1. Couture cadence 

2. Constance 

3. Powder & chic 

4. You & me 

5. Spark 

6. Gossip 

7. Noted 

9. Seduction 

10. Enchanted 

11. Chics 

I highlighted the words that I believe will be the most catchy for my magazine and finally decided on "enchanted". As the words means that the audience reading will almost be under a spell due to them being utterly captivated and fascinated to read more of the magazine which is why the title needs to be able to catch the eye of the audience easily. CONNOTATIONS: ALLURING, CHARMING, ATTRACTIVE 

Possible coverlines: 

1. Enhancing your inner beauty 

2. One step to loving yourself more 

3. Beauty within you 

2. Healthy lifestyle 

3. Fashion 101 

4. Met gala's best looks 

4. Best way to dress up 

5. Comfortable with your dress choices 

6. Stay comfy yet on point 

7. Overdress in style 

8. Top 10 Anileve best looks

I choose the coverline "beauty within you" as the main topic for my double page spread as I believe it resonates most with the problems teenagers face in this generation. CONNOTATIONS: SELF LOVE AND CARE


1. model posing indoor in a studio 

2. model posing outdoor in a more natural setting 

3. model playing around having fun 

Im still unsure on which concept to follow but as for now I would like my main cover image to be a model posing outdoor in a garden looking straight to the camera (medium shot) or the model walking around the garden but looking away from the camera (cowboy shot). I decided on this idea as I want my magazine concept to look more natural and flowy as its targeted towards a younger audience (teenagers). 

Double page spread: 

From the magazines I researched I envision my double page spread to have 2 or 3 images of my celebrity smiling and posing in a fun way (shows more expression) one image would be of just my celebrities face smiling directly towards the camera while one would be a long shot that shows my celebrity from head to toe. I will also create this page to mostly be white for the background with black texts of my article, however the picture of my celebrity itself will look a bit different as I don't want the image of my celebrity to blend in with the background I prefer it to look different. I will also use a lot more neutral colours such us beige, white, green, blue and black as I want it too look professional yet fit with the main topic of my article which is "enhancing your inner beauty" 

Technical skills (online)

Here are some technical skills I have learned over the course of the project 

Reflection: The problem I faced was easily fixed as the solutions were given within the youtube video. Instructions were clear easy and short. Though at first I thought adding the code would be harder it was relatively easy, I also left step by step solutions in case I need to refer back to it if I face this problem again in the future. 

Problem: unable to embed google docs to 

When I tried to embed my document onto the blog it became very small and hard to read despite having it work fine when I had to embed my presentation onto my blog

Here I copied my embed link onto my blog and directly placed it into the HTML view of my blog

This is how it turned out. So I looked for tutorials online and found a Youtube video that showed me the solution on how to fix my problem with the sizing of my document. The steps as followed: 

1. Click "share" > "Publish to web" then copy the embed link
2. Go to HTML view 
3. Paste link 
4. After the code "<iframe", add [height="x" width="y"
5. Publish 

I went with the number of 500 for my height and width 750 that fixed my issue

Heres the link for the youtube video: "Embedding google docs into blogger" 

Statement of intent

Here is my statement of intent for my magazine 

Reflection: This was quite a challenging task for me as Im a very indecisive person so I keep changing my mind on which idea to add or remove. Even though I have a rough idea on what I want my magazine to include or look like Its hard to think about the detailed aspects as I wasn't sure if I could pull off the bold ideas I have imagined. Inputting the document to blogger also became a challenge that I learned to fix. 

Targetting Audiences (Demographics and Psychographics, Genre Theory)

Here are my notes from a theory lesson we did in class about Genre theory and how we can use it to target audiences 

Reflection: I learned a lot from having my notes as it gave me a clearer picture on how I want to structure my answers for any tests or questions and being able to use the theory correctly as well. Even though my test answer wasn't as good as I wanted it to be having my teacher include whats wrong really helped me to not do those mistakes again in the future, which will make me want to do my best on my next test/assignment so that I can get a better score. 

I did an analysis of two magazines with completely different genres. As I was absent during this lesson and didn't get to do a group work like my other classmates so I used my notes from an assessment my teacher gave which was a test. 

This was the final result of my mandatory assessment in a form of a test. The question asked was "How are audiences targeted by the media?" so I used a case study of Vogue fashion magazine and FourFourTwo football magazine. 


Here is the list of terminology that I have learned over the course of this project period 

Reflection: When my teacher first introduced us to magazine terminologies, I felt overwhelmed as It seemed like so much to memorise. But as the course of the project days pass the more I familiarised myself with the terminology given and by doing my own magazine research it exposed me to a lot more of these terminologies which allowed me to easily use the terminologies in actual questions. As the easiest for me to memorise was the Masthead and Main image due to it being very recognisable in a magazine. 

Terminology table given by my teacher: 

MastheadThe name of the magazine, in its typical font, on the cover.
Selling lineThe short description of the ‘identity’ of the magazine under the masthead,
Main imageThe image which fills the cover – a model, celebrity, animal, artefact.
Coverlines‘Teasers’ for the contents of the magazine on the cover.
Typography/fontThe shape, style, size and colour of the letters used.
Drop capThe enlarged initial letter of the first word of an article – an aesthetic feature which is designed to engage the reader.
Pull quotesEnlarged quotes from an article – these may be included in coverlines, but are also used in the body of the article to break up the page and to attract the attention of the reader.
BylineThe name of the writer of the article, usually found at the beginning. Simply, it is the ‘line’ which tells you who the article is by.
Main cover lineThe most important article featured, grabs the audience’s attention (featured article)
Mode of addressThe way the magazine/article addresses the audience. Formal, casual, direct (for images too)
BarcodeUsed for retailers
SkylineA list of keywords featured at the top of the cover
ThirdsThe upper and left third are the most important. why?
PropAn image of an item
Puff / BoxoutA smaller image/text to stand out from the rest of the information (puff=circle. boxout=square)
BuzzwordsExclusive, free, new, special edition
BannerA block of colour with info inside, usually stretches the width of the cover
CaptionInformation about an image.
SpreadPages of a magazine that should be viewed together (usually two)
BorderEmpty space around the edges
White spaceEmpty space in the spread, used to break up the content (negative space)

Thursday, 9 November 2023

Magazine articles: first draft

Here is my first draft for my magazine article 

Reflection: I actually rushed my article writing as I did it very close to the deadline which is why it made me work on my time management skills a bit more since it felt really tiring doing it near the submission date. Again it's one of those longer tasks to do as it was a 700 word article but the more I get into the zone and continue writing its almost as if I lost track of time since I kept writing my article until it exceeded 700 words. Once I completed my article I felt relieved yet happy that I put my thoughts and feeling into it even though I didn't check my grammar mistakes as much. This taught me to do my work beforehand even days before the deadline in order to achieve a result thats more than just good or relieve that its done, but happy that the result was excellent. 

Genre: fashion/lifestyle 

Topic: inner beauty 

Tone: informal as the target audience will be teens, most teens will most likely read something that is not so serious but is catchy by using catchphrases and relatable 

Direct/indirect: direct 

Who is the author: famous young new author age 19 - 22 (professional yet still relatable as its still someone young and just got famous due to teenagers popularizing her) 

Title: Enhancing your inner beauty 

Pullquote: Feeling beautiful is a reflection of self acceptance, self confidence, and positive self image. One step ahead F.H slips into the world of self love/acceptance each and every time. (her short podcast and interview) 


“Loving me, hard at times but I do and i will always do” she says while having her smile widen everytime. “I find that love and kindness can really take you an extra mile as it really did for me, everyday even when I do it once, in some way it brings out the best in me”. The love F.H has doesn't just help her but it can help anyone, appreciating yourself, loving yourself something simple that no one can truly accept fully. This all started from F.H standing on the runway as she gracefully walks into the room, it's evident that her beauty extends far beyond her flawless appearance. She gives off a warmth and authenticity that immediately captivates, inviting you to explore the depths of what true beauty entails. Once she stepped out of the runway reporters surrounded her and asked her questions, her one answer made social media go wild. "When we talk about beauty, it's not just about what you see in the mirror," F.H shares. "True beauty comes from within, it's a reflection of your character, your values, and how you treat others. It's about being kind, authentic, and embracing your uniqueness.

In a career that spans decades and has seen F.H in the limelight, the pressure to conform to society standards of beauty kept increasing. However, she reveals that her journey to enhancing her inner beauty has been a deliberate and mindful one. As it did not start with a simple psychologist or accepting her just like that from zero as she never was someone that was significant in someone's life just like that. Back in School she said that no one really cared about her, no one called her pretty or even acknowledged that she was there so having the spotlight now is not as easy as people seem, especially within the entertainment industry. "The entertainment industry often places a heavy emphasis on physical appearance," she acknowledges. "But over the years, I've come to realise that real beauty goes beyond the surface. It's about being comfortable in your own skin and embracing the qualities that make you who you are." she stated in a recent podcast with Sparks podcasts. 

But, In a world where public figures are often criticised , easily called out for little mistakes, F.H opens up about dealing with criticism and the importance of staying true to oneself. "I've learned that you can't please everyone, and that's okay," she reflects. "The key is to stay true to who you are. Embrace your uniqueness, celebrate your strengths, and don't be afraid to show your weak points as you can learn from them. Then again another hot topic of how F.H can keep her private life away from paparazzi as maintaining a balance between public and private life is a challenge faced by many celebrities. "It's essential to have a strong sense of self, especially in the public eye," she says. "Balancing the demands of fame with maintaining a private life requires setting boundaries and staying true to your values. Inner beauty thrives when you're at peace with yourself, both on and off the stage." Meaningful connections with others contribute to a sense of fulfilment and inner beauty. Nurture positive relationships that uplift and support you.

Another important way for yourself to feel loved is by surrounding yourself with people who appreciate your inner qualities and encourage your personal growth. Enhancing your inner beauty is a lifelong journey, a continuous process of self-discovery and self-love. Creating positive habits, embracing yourself, practising kindness, and nourishing your mind and soul, you pave the way for a radiant inner beauty which allows you to shine not just from the outside but from within yourself. Gratitude is also a powerful force that can transform your perspective on life as F.H mentioned. Take time each day to reflect on the things you are grateful for. Gratitude builds a positive mindset, fostering your inner beauty by helping you appreciate the luxuries of life you have experienced. As it comes to a close, F.H quotes “Remember, true beauty is not a destination but a reflection of the love and acceptance you cultivate within yourself.” As you embark on this journey, may you discover the boundless beauty that resides within you, the you that loves herself.

Wednesday, 8 November 2023

Double page spread: research + development

This is my research and development on my double page spread analysis

Reflection: To be honest this was quite a unexciting task as it was so much information to find and took a lot of time, however I learned what i dislike and like from a double page spread and gave me ideas on what I personally want my double page to look like and what I envision the final result to be like. As this also helped me understand more media terminology even this far into the project 

Here is my first magazine which is from a magazine brand called Vogue  

Before reading 
Magazine: vogue 
Issue: September 2023 
Publisher: Conde Nast 
Genre: fashion 
Images: One picture of different models within one frame using a medium shot as you can only see half of the models body in the picture. 
Layout: Page numbers are small and are on the bottom right of the page. This magazine has a very minimalistic and basic style as the colours used were only black and white the image itself was also made to look black and white only. However the texts only covered the bottom right of the whole page leaving negative space in between the texts in order for readers to easily read the different texts better. Dropcaps were also used in this magazine which can be seen for the longer texts put inside the double page spread in order for it to look more aesthetic. 
First impression: The main image really caught my attention as one half of the image covered one page in the double page spread allowing me to be more intrigued to look at the other half of the whole spread. The use of a really bold yet elegant title yet having it in different pages allowed me to completely see the spread as a whole better and not texts that are hard to read as the text was only on the second page of the spread. 

After reading
Heading: Facing the world 

Subheading: Names of the models and vogues first ever global casting initiative and the top 8 are the models within the page 

Author: There is a photographer mentioned which is Charlotte Whales 

Article: Included a story of how the first famous models were discovered from Shalom Harlow, Naomi Campbell, and notably the most successful yet surprising find was Kate Moss. It included how Kate Moss was originally found to become a model and a year later a photographer named Corinne Day found her photo and decided where the fashion industry was headed as during the 1980's more glamorous women were popularly known but with Kate Moss it rapidly changed to more naturally beautiful looking models.

Mode of address: It does not use a direct mode of address as It talked about other people and the event happening which made Vogue use different lesser known models within its magazine. The writing style was also informal with slangs such as "glamazon" in order for the audience to understand the content of the article better. 

Pull Quote: A pull quote was mentioned which is "Vogues first ever global open casting initiative gathered 60.000 submissions from everywhere on earth. Here are our eight finalists. Photographed by Charlotte Whales" this makes the audience understand what the main point of the article is as well as why those specific models were used in the advert. This just makes the audience capture the main point of the double page spread faster. 

Audience: Young women adults seem to be the main target audience as the models used seemed relatively young and the use of a more diverse range of models means it's targeting an audience more globally not just a specific race. 

Impression: I found the article to be quite interesting as I really liked how its laid out with drop quotes and pull quotes added. Not only that the article itself made me intrigued to what else was in the magazine due to stories being used with the addition of slangs as well. However the colour scheme didn't really intrigue me as it was too plain and didn't really catch my eye. 

Inspiration: I will take inspiration from the image as it was the first thing that captivated me to see more and the layout I will most likely follow since I really like that it can be easily read so I will surely add these ideas to a part of my magazine. But I learned that I didn't really like a boring colour scheme in my magazine as it didn't really give life to the magazine it seemed bland and a bit too serious even though the article was fun and catchy. 

Here is my second magazine which is from a magazine brand called Vogue 

Before reading
Magazine: vogue 
Issue: August 2023 
Publisher: Conde Nast 
Genre: fashion 
Images: The picture included many models from medium shot and even long shot to show more of the models outfit, the pictures used was all from different times but compiled into one
Layout: Page numbers were small on the right bottom of the page, and it doesn't have that much negative space only in the space between the pullquote and the main text. Not much texts were used as the main focus of the page was the image of the model and clothes showcased so all the texts were positioned on the bottom quarter of the page. The magazine style was much more colourful yet still minimalistic as it still included a white background which allowed the images to pop out more. 
First impression: The small images of more known celebrities actually caught my attention more than the bigger images used as you can easily identify the images more since bigger images mainly focuses on the outfit which I didn't pay much attention too since the smaller images included more outfits than just one big image of a model showcasing an outfit. 

After reading
Heading: Trends  

Subheading: "For autumn pay close attention to the cortada rule, wearing espresso brown pieces below the waistline and creamy layers on top" 

Author: There is no byline nor photographer mentioned in the double page spread only the models used, the clothes being worn, and where they got other images such as "getty images" listed next to the text yet hard to read due to how its positioned

Article: Included trends that has been happening within the fashion industry such as "Makeup by Mario palette" for makeup, as well as Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen designers with Anthony Vaccarellos fashion pieces mentioned. This also talked about how to wear fashion pieces for autumn season since its not about what you wear only, therefore the cortada rule was mentioned "wearing espresso brown pieces below the waistline and creamy layers on top"

Mode of address: It does use a direct mode of address since it talked about the how you should wear fashion pieces for autumn yet rare overall since it's only been mentioned once or twice due to the popular events also being mentioned and described. The writing style was also quite informal as it uses words that are very descriptive such as "never looked or felt so good". 

Pull Quote: No pullquote was mentioned within this double page spread 

Audience: Older middle aged women seem to be the main target audience as the models used were also middle aged and most dressed quite formally since it mostly shows clothing which is suit. Making it seem to be for much more older audiences as suits are associated with women already working or for formal events. 

Impression: I found the article to be quite fascinating as I really liked how many images were being used within the double page spread and also how the images were being laid out and positioned. However I wasn't fond of how the texts were put on the very bottom of the page as it made it harder to read and wasn't as convenient. 

Inspiration: I will surely take inspiration from the images and how its laid out as it's the only thing that made me interested to look at the page in depth, the colours were also vibrant making the page have more life and look more realistic which I will definitely follow. But I learned that I didn't really like having a small heading as it becomes harder to find even if its positioned further away from the other texts, the positioning of the article itself I didn't really like as it made me look so close to the magazine and moving it to different positions just to understand what the article is about. 

Audience Feedback

This post explains how we showed a rough draft of our music video, album cover, and social media page to some members of our target audience...