
Tuesday, 20 August 2024

Filming schedule

 Here is our teams filming schedule for this project 

Self Reflection:
For this project my teammate Chelsea was the one who made our filming schedule, as she was the one who founded the website and understood how to use it. This part, even though it looks simple it was actually quite tricky due to all of us needing to plan out when and where we can meet at the same time. So I helped in finding a specific time when we all could meet so that our production stage can run smoothly. This really helped us in managing our time as we already have a plan on what to do allowing us to follow it and be on schedule, this also minimises distractions and even though one teammate cant come it wouldn't compromise our whole time frame, as for one day I couldn't help in filming the interview scene but my team still got it done and I ended up doing the shots for the beach scene. It also reminded me on what equipment to bring as I was in charge of being the camera man in reminded to bring my memory card and camera itself. However when we actually did our filming we faced many complications, from which scene to start off first and which ones to finish up as we just wanted to get everything over with, we didn't think about how to organise it properly so even though we don't complete solutions we just adjusted and modified our plan along the way.

Location Scout & Risk Assessment

 Here are some potential locations my team will film at created by me & Kalista 


Here is the link to our location scout & risk assessment: final location scout & risk assessment

Self Reflection: This was actually pretty easy to get done as we've done this before for our last project. However I hated the part where I had to figure out what could go wrong cause its so unexpected and usually might not even happen which is why we repeated some points as most of the hazards that might happen will always come out of no where just depends when nature is gonna show it. Then again I quickly got it done with kalista and it just helped us predict any problems and also helped us manage the locations on where to go so we don't spend too much time surveying different places. 

Script + Storyboard

Here is our teams script and our storyboard created by Audrey & Chelsea 


Here is the link to our script through Google drive: final script


Design by Audrey Soedargo

Self Reflection: This storyboard was made by my teammates Audrey & Chelsea. However I helped in giving out inputs and insights on what ideas we should use when creating our mock up practice of our documentary such as what locations fit best for our scene, what plot to use and give some negative feedback in order for us to know what else we should improve, as the whole point was to help us visualise what our final result will be like. Then again we had a particularly hard time in managing our time during this stage as all of us had other tasks to complete, but again Audrey & Chelsea was able to finish it with maximal efforts as the result is very detailed. We all decided to let Audrey & Chelsea to take more time during this stage as drawing is not something simple and quick to do thus I gave my best feedback in order for them to do the work smoothly. We were able to finish this task on time since we made a to do list on what to prioritise and finish first allowing us to get this task over and done with. 

As for the script we as a team made it all together even though Chelsea had started writing it first I was able to give out more of my ideas on what dialogue the casts should use. Due to me watching a lot of crime documentaries I wanted our dialogue to be more realistic even though its targeted towards teenagers so I mostly revised the script so that it fits more to day to day conversations. Hence why this part of our project needs to be done quite quickly as we need to give it to our actors/actresses so that they can perform the best they can. However next time I would give an alotted time by when I should finish up my script as we still edited our script along the way as some dialogues didn't seem to be that realistic or stick with true documentaries conventions. But in order to embed the script onto blogspot I had to use a youtube video to help me as its in the format of  PDF, this allowed me to hone more of my technical element skill. 


Statement of intent

 Here is my teams statement of intent for my project 

Here is the link for our statement of intent: statement of intent

Self Reflection: Again this task was easy for us to accomplish as we all took part in completing it, but what took us the longest time was to pick which idea to put and what kind of audience were to trying to reach so even though that took the longest time our ideas became more cohesive and realistic. However during that time I wasn't present a lot in class so I mostly gave my inputs through a messenger app called whatsapp so that my teammates can put those inputs within the document. But I also encountered a problem when uploading the file to blogspot so I re learned the technical skill I learned during grade 11. This reminded me to keep remembering the technical skills I learned even though it was for a previous project it can still work wonder for my upcoming projects 

Audience Feedback

This post explains how we showed a rough draft of our music video, album cover, and social media page to some members of our target audience...