
Tuesday, 20 August 2024

Filming schedule

 Here is our teams filming schedule for this project 

Self Reflection:
For this project my teammate Chelsea was the one who made our filming schedule, as she was the one who founded the website and understood how to use it. This part, even though it looks simple it was actually quite tricky due to all of us needing to plan out when and where we can meet at the same time. So I helped in finding a specific time when we all could meet so that our production stage can run smoothly. This really helped us in managing our time as we already have a plan on what to do allowing us to follow it and be on schedule, this also minimises distractions and even though one teammate cant come it wouldn't compromise our whole time frame, as for one day I couldn't help in filming the interview scene but my team still got it done and I ended up doing the shots for the beach scene. It also reminded me on what equipment to bring as I was in charge of being the camera man in reminded to bring my memory card and camera itself. However when we actually did our filming we faced many complications, from which scene to start off first and which ones to finish up as we just wanted to get everything over with, we didn't think about how to organise it properly so even though we don't complete solutions we just adjusted and modified our plan along the way.

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