
Thursday, 5 September 2024


 Here is our teams editing process made by Chelsea 

EDITING by chelsea tirta 

Self Reflection: As this editing was done by Chelsea we as a group decided to give more feedback on what to add or remove from each clip. We as a team decided to use more of a digitised documentary so we included lots of clips where we screen recorded each part in order for the audience to feel what its like during the specific scenario. When Chelsea was editing I was either there with her when we met up or not we made zoom calls so that we can always check Chelsea's progress and help her whenever she needed it. In this case I helped in finding some of the audio used to build suspense, I also was the camera man with Audrey so we mostly made sure all the clips were in a right angle. However our initial plan was to work on this together but just on Chelsea's laptop but we found out it was hard to manage our schedules to find the right time to do it hence why we met up and try to give the feedback on spot, then once Chelsea finished added all the clips the next day we zoomed together. When we had zoom Chelsea was able to screen share her work and thats when I gave more insights in what was missing such as making one clip shorter in order for it to be more impactful, adding different diegetic sounds to build suspense and as well as adding more zoom ins of some clips so that the audience can understand how we want them to focus on that part. Next time we should spare more time in editing since we finished our the night before the deadline so I learned that its a very long and tedious process especially when we need the agreement of all members. 

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