
Saturday, 7 October 2023

Component 1: weekly progress & plan

Here is a report of my weekly progress plan for my magazine project this will also include my rough planning for the project 

Reflection: Writing this weekly progress plan was very helpful as it helped me keep track of my progress during this project and if im confused on what tasks I have to complete I look back on this post in order to be organised and up to date. This also allowed me to reflect on the mistakes I did so far and making sure to not repeat the same mistakes again in the future. Even though it was hard for me to remember what I did clearly on each day I got help from friends and my teacher on what we did each day almost like a review each week. 


Term 2


Term 3


(2 Oct)

Brief, Research


( 8 Jan)









Shoot, Self Reflection




Post Production




Post Production




(12 Feb)

Deadline (Monday 12th February)





Term 1 
Week 1 
I was absent for 2 days due to a family event and being sick, however I caught up with the info I received from the class in which they learned terminologies from Term 1 and just recapping all the material we learned so far, we also continued with more terminologies and theories, which included a new topic about narratives such as Binnary opposites, and the 5 media codes. Personally learning these new theories were quite difficult at first since the 5 media codes were hard to memorise but overtime as the class went on I understood more allowing me to memorise these theories better. However, we were supposed to bring our magazines to school but due to being sick I instead put all of my magazine research in my blog first (front page, contents, double pages) and bring it in our next lesson. Thus, I again caught up with my friends to know what we learned that day which was to analyze the front page and all of its elements, so I will review the material I missed by myself. 

Week 2 
We continued with the theories we learned in our last lesson but this time actually practice using them in a group work where we watched a clip from the new live action netflix show "one piece", and tried to identify different shots with all term 1 knowledge we learned but also adding theories to them in order to show how valid the shot were made in a specific clip as well as how it creates a message towards the audience. Another lesson was filled with a new topic which was representation theory from Staurt Hall and add that theory to our magazine . During our project day where we continued analysing our magazines and added more to our research blog, wee had to add more detail to the different magazines we had, from adding our dislikes and likes from the magazine in order for us to find out what we should and what we should not do in our magazine later on also including theories and the latest one we learned. Hence, why we had to add even more magazine research in our blog and even though this week involved a lot of brain storming and memorising as we needed to apply our theory on actually research writing I tried my best on figuring out a typical magazine convention and why my magazine follows the convention or subvert its. 

Week 3 
Decided to change the format of my weekly progress in order for it to be more reflective
Class Lesson: We started our magazine research where we had to analyse 2 front cover magazines in detail as well as some less detailed analysis and made a review for our semestral exam about Stuart hall representation theory on our blog but before that we saw different videos of how oceans 11 and 8 has been represented differently. This was very helpful as it helped me define my target audience for my magazine more clearly
Tasks: Had to finish 2 big analysis and 4 small analysis on magazines as well finishing my statement of intent 
Problems: had to do a lot of writing and it was difficult for me to analyse each scene quickly and when i had to make my statement of intent as it took me a lot of time to figure out what needs to be added in my magazine and if its already a fixed idea or I can tackle and fix it in the future. 
Solution: Had to take time outside school and pay more attention to detail as I sometimes lack some point 
To Do List: finish magazine research and statement of intent 

Week 4 
Class Lesson: Started on magazine development and discussing genre theory by Steve Neale. This was also the week when we had to finish our magazine research 
Tasks: Magazine development such as finding mastheads, coverlines, and images related to my magazine genre  
Problems: I was actually sick the entire week and wasn't able to do these in class so I had to catch up and do it in my own spare time 
Solution: Asked help from my friends on how to find the best mastheads and coverlines and asked for their opinion if it works well on what i imagine my magazine to be. I also finished most of the tasks during my spare time which made me still on time in during this project.  
To Do List: 

Week 5 
Class Lesson: Started our double page spread research and how it looks before and after we finish reading the spread. We also added a terminology page on our blog and were told by our teacher to put our reflections on the very top of each posts as it will be easier for the examiner to identify even though this is mandatory 
Tasks: Do detailed double page research and adding reflections to the very top of our blog posts
Problems: I was absent during 2 lessons but joined 1 lesson from zoom due to still being sick which made me really behind on my magazine project which made me really concerned if I was able to finish everything before the due date. 
Solution: Caught up with friends and my teacher on what I missed and completed my double page spread research even though it was a bit late 
To Do List: Finish the double page research by next week 

Week 6 
Class Lesson: Learned about traditional and modern media and how much it has changed over the years and writing my first draft for my double page spread magazine article. Since this was a 700 word article my teacher helped us find references on what out article topic should be as well as figuring out what tone to use in our article in order for it to be engaging for my magazine target audience. 
Tasks: Start my first draft for my double page spread magazine article 
Problems: I wasted a lot of time on finding the topic for my article as I didn't know if it would be engaging enough for my target audience to read (teenagers) as I myself didn't read a lot of articles I wanted to make one that most teenagers can relate to easily and not easily just skip
Solution: My solution was to make an article about a interview/podcast about a celebrity in order for it to be relatable and still engaging for my target audience since there will be advice from the celebrity towards the audience reading the magazine
To Do List: Finishing my first draft for my double page spread magazine article by the next lesson or latest on Thursday's lesson 

Week 7 
Class Lesson: There wasn't anything new that we learnt as we did review for our semestral exams but this was also our last week before winter break
Tasks: Given a check list by our teacher in order for us to know if we completed everything needed in our magazine project 
Problems: Many blog posts to fully polish and complete on time as I didn't update this weekly progress plan due to being sick a lot during this term
Solution: Made sure to plan out which blog posts to finish in order for me to not be stressed out and cramming everything before the deadline which was on Thursday
To Do List: Complete everything on the checklist for my component one magazine project before Thursday and were told to take time to scout locations during our winter break 

Term 2 
This is the start of my term 2 which is why i will restart with week 1 in order for me to understand everythin
Week 1
Class Lesson: We got feedback for our magazine development as it was already marked and I just needed to add one more information as well as shortening my article, and changing the font and sizes of my header in order for it to be more readable. We also did our location scout and risk assessment for our front cover photoshoot. 
Tasks: The class began by completing a risk assessment for our location scout and immediately modifying the layout of our own blogs to comply with the examiner's request that each blog post have its own distinct thumbnail rather than being opened within the blog.
Problems: As I just started my risk assessment, it was hard for me to accurately find what could be the problem as its only in one location but just different parts of it 
Solution: Decided to ask from friends and my teacher what tragedies can happen within the location so I get outside output 
To Do List: complete my location risk assessment, as haven't finished the risk assessment for my first location and I still need to do 2 more.

Week 2 
Class Lesson: We learned about making our magazine layout and design from first hand drawn drafts all the way to digitalised drafts for how we want our magazine to look. There were many trial and error sessions as it doesn't seem that easy to come up with a finalised look as everything is intentional and has a purpose. This will also be the week where i have my scheduled photographs with my model and i will mostly take it on 27th Jan. 
Tasks: Creating a schedule for my photoshoots that will most likely be done all in one day 
Problems: The lighting for my first drafts were quite hideous and it was pretty hard to figure out how to edit it to my liking as I didn't have that much experience in editing 
Solution: Practice more on my editing skills and experiment more on editing in order to get used to it 
To Do List: Experimenting with more designs and layout to make it clearer on what typefaces, designs and layouts that I will use

Week 3 
Class Lesson: We continued with our project lesson but now already started editing our drafts digitally and finalising them i personally liked using canva more which is why that was the website i used. However we had to make more development for our contents and double page spread as of now I mostly did practice for my front cover, but this was where i did more research on research for my mise en scene. 
Tasks: I had to finish the previous assignment for this week's assignments, upload it to a blog post, and then carry out the activity for the remaining pages (content and double-page spread). I also need to start getting ready for the photoshoot because I will be shooting my real photos soon.
Problems: As Im a very indecisive person this proved to be a set back as it took me a long time developing my sketches and digitalised covers 
Solution: Making the drafts as fast as I can so I have a lot of drafts to choose from this also allows me to not focus on detail and just getting everything done quickly 
To Do List: finish the front cover page assignment and go on to the remaining pages, beginning with the sketches.

Week 4 
Class Lesson: We started off the week with a theory lesson about answering past paper questions and finally started on our critical self reflection. We started out with a draft so that we have all our main ideas written out, and have a basic plan already set.
Tasks: My teacher recommended me to start my critical self reflection so that I don't have to pile up a lot of work in the long run
Problems: As of now Im having a difficult time managing my time as this week our classes were cut short due to a lot of holidays and events which is why I feel less motivated to do my work
Solution: Make a schedule of all the deadlines I need to accomplish in order for me to not loose track of time 
To Do List: Started designing everything visually and finalising what kinds of theme I will use 

Week 5 
Class lesson: Started by learning how to layout our magazine in order for it to look cohesive as well as front cover drafts for our final magazine 
Tasks: finish drafts and research for front cover development 
Problems: During that week we only had 2 media lessons as we had 3 days of holiday which cut our time in doing our project as I also had to do my test that I didn't do yet it also took 40 mins of project lesson which gave me more tasks in the long run
Solution: Doing my project more on the holiday doing it as homework in order to be more efficient 
To Do List: Having all my unfinished assignments as homework and trying to put together all the inputs and seeing if I should take in into consideration or not 

Week 6 
Class lesson: Did a final draft and work for our front cover as well as development and final drafts for both contents and double page spread. This is when I started to finalise everything to smaller details and its the week where I gain the most input from others for my work. 
Tasks: finish all the drafts and gain input for finalised work 
Problems: There was a local ceremony that cut out class time leaving me with lesser time to prepare for the deadline 
Solutions: Completing my work on my own schedule was the only way to get around this. I took a lot of time this week to finish the overall layout of my magazine so that I could get my teacher's input the following week. I also gained input from my upperclassmen on what I should add or remove. 
To Do List: Got remembered to do my critical self reflection and have it completed. As I have completed most of my drafts but I do need to work more on my development blogs. 

Week 7 
Class Lesson: FINAL WEEK BEFORE DEADLINE! All we did was finalise our magazines front cover, contents, and double page spread. This was also when I rushed to get everything done on time as I didn't use my time efficiently which is why I had so much to do from getting my teachers final input, finishing all the blogs, checking all the blogs, and making sure nothing is missing. This was also when I added my final 2 blog posts which was my final magazine and my embedded critical self reflection, I was actually done with my front cover and is just waiting for input but I am not fully prepared that I don't have much time for my development and critical self reflection as I wasn't done with most of it which scared me a lot. 
Tasks: Had so much to do this week from finalising my magazine, fixing up my blogs, and making sure all the content is there and nothing is missing, critical self reflection and having reflections for each blog post.
Problems: The biggest problem I encountered was collecting everything for my research and development pages as it took up a lot of space in my laptop and it took up majority of my time as I had to screenshot each change and put it on Canva so that I can put it on my blog post. 
Solutions: I ended up just screenshooting everything quickly and put everything in the file at the same time so that I don't waste my time 

Reflection: This weekly progress was actually something I hated doing cause it gets so boring and sometimes I even forget what I was doing in other lessons since we do something different at times. Which is why I only did a summary of everything in class and just expanded it at home, but again as time passes by its doesn't look as bad as it seems since I got to reflect a lot on myself through this. I was able to see what I improved or if I even improved anything at all this term but as I look at everything nothing really improved to be honest. But Im most happy about getting my designed fixed and seeing my final result as there were many skills I learned from using different softwares, apps, and websites which is why Im happy I get to experience doing everything I can for this project. Even though it has a hectic ending of me staying up each night getting it done, it was well worth the result as I feel satisfied enough to call this project done. 

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Audience Feedback

This post explains how we showed a rough draft of our music video, album cover, and social media page to some members of our target audience...