
Monday, 20 January 2025

Sunday, 19 January 2025

Digipak: Research & Development

Here is the digipak research & development for our artist. This blogpost is made by me and my teammate (Audrey) 

Social Media: Research & Development

Here is the social media research and development for our main artist. This blog post is written Chelsea and Kalista

Branding Research

Choose an artist from your genre

Find examples of their; 

  • Social media 

  • Music albums

  • Music videos

  • (Magazine shoots/interviews)

What brand identity are they giving off?

What is their personality? 

What image are they creating for themselves, how?

How do they speak to their fans?

What visuals link all of the media products together?

How could this artist influence you?

Sunday, 12 January 2025

Classwork: Multicam Editing

Here is the work I did on how to edit with multiple cameras. My group filmed the footage, but I edited it myself. My teacher provided a template for the blog post. This blog post is completed by me (Rara).

Monday, 6 January 2025

Shooting practice: Music Video

The post contains a mini project that helped us learn how to shoot a music video. We shot our verse as a group and then created this post together. Verse 3 

Lesson Description: My teacher gave each group a verse from the song "Here comes the sun" we had to plan a scene which included various camera work and edits. As the goal was for us as to learn how to properly shoot certain angles and edit them seamlessly together, this will allow us to prevent casualties happening when doing our actual final music video.  

Pre production 

- Lyrics & rehersal 

Storyboard (Audrey) 


Our actress was members of our own team (Kalista and Rara) Rara being the lead and Kalista being the side character. With Audrey being the camera man 

Behind the scenes footage of our production

Here is the Google Drive file link of RAW video clips which included camera tests, shoot attempts (failed and others), and bloopers. 

Post production 

Editing (Audrey) 

I had edited the clips together and made sure that the song matches the scenes along with the lipsyncing of the actors. I utilised the application Capcut as it was a free, easy, and fast platform to edit videos. It only took a while to finish the project in one period of Media Studies class which was advantageous for the group. We were also familiar with the application which made it efficient.

Our idea was simple which does not include any special effects or color-grading as we decided to keep it natural. This was due to convenience and we wouldn't be applying this editing technique for our music video project as we want to create a visual appeal for the audience.

Here are the few steps that I did for editing:

1. Compile final shots
2. Add the song (download the audio from Mr Nick's file)
3. Cut, crop, and adjust the video clips according to the correct time frame
4. Make sure the lipsync matches the song
5. Turn down the audio volume of the clips

(include screenshots)

Final Result

Here is the Google Drive file link


- Weather 

- Short amount of time 


Future plan

Self Reflection: 

Audience Feedback

This post explains how we showed a rough draft of our music video, album cover, and social media page to some members of our target audience...